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Dunedin City CouncilCommunity profile

Broad Bay-Portobello

Family types

In Broad Bay-Portobello, 35.0% of households were made up of family type 'couples with children' compared with 44.3% in Tainui in 2018.

Households with Children require different services and facilities than other household types, and their needs change as both adults and children age. When many families in an area are at the same stage in their individual lifecycles, it creates a suburb lifecycle. Knowing where a suburb is in a cycle of change helps planners make evidence-based decisions about the demand for services both now and in the future.

To continue building the story, Broad Bay-Portobello's family data should be viewed in conjunction with Households, Household Size, Age Structure and Dwelling Type data.


Derived from the Census questions:

'How is each person in the household related to you?'

Family types
Broad Bay-Portobello20182006Change
Family by typeNumber%Tainui %Number%Tainui %2006 to 2018
Couples with children12335.044.312939.145.3-6
Couple with dependent children10229.135.110832.738.5-6
Couple with adult children only216.09.2216.46.70
Couple with children - dependency status unknown00.
One parent families3911.117.84212.717.9-3
One parent family with dependent children246.810.83310.013.4-9
One parent family with adult children only154.
One parent family with children - dependency status unknown00.
Couple without children18953.837.815948.236.9+30
Total families351100.0100.0330100.0100.0+21
Source: Statistics New Zealand, Census of Population and Dwellings 2006 and 2018. Compiled and presented in by .id (informed decisions).
Stats NZ data quality rating: Moderate
Please refer to specific data notes for more information

Dominant groups

Analysis of the family types in Broad Bay-Portobello in 2018 compared to Tainui shows that there was a lower proportion of couple families with child(ren) as well as a lower proportion of one-parent families. Overall, 35.0% of total families were couple families with child(ren), and 11.1% were one-parent families, compared with 44.3% and 17.8% respectively for Tainui.

There were a higher proportion of couples without children in Broad Bay-Portobello, 53.8% compared to 37.8% in Tainui.

Emerging groups

The number of families in Broad Bay-Portobello increased by 21 between 2006 and 2018.

There were no major differences in Broad Bay-Portobello between 2006 and 2018.

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